Configuring the RTSS Subsystem

The RTX64 control panel provides several options for configuring the RTSS Subsystem. You can change internal system behavior, set memory allocation behavior, configure the RTSS watchdog timer, and choose a method for handling exceptions.

NOTE: Some settings in the RTX64 control panel require Windows Administrator privileges.

ClosedAccessing the RTSS Subsystem configuration options

The method you use to access these control panel options will depend on the operating system you are running.

To open the control panel in Windows 10 and Windows 8.1:

  1. From the Windows Apps menu, navigate to the RTX64 Runtime section and click the Control Panel tile.
  2. Click Configure the RTSS Subsystem.

To open the control panel in Windows 7:

  1. Click the Start menu and then choose Control Panel.
  2. In the Windows control panel, select the System and Security category, and then click RTX64.
  3. Click Configure the RTSS Subsystem.

The Configure the RTSS Subsystem page contains the following options.

Option Name Description

Change internal system behavior

  • Change how and when the RTX64 subsystem is started
  • Change how frequently the internal system timers are triggered
  • Change how the subsystem scheduler behaves
  • Change the behavior thread termination
  • Change how the subsystem handles priority inversion

Change memory allocation behavior

  • Set the default behavior for how the Subsystem interacts with Windows during memory allocation and how it handles it’s local memory pool
Change monitoring settings
  • Configure the amount of nonpage memory dedicated to monitoring
  • Automatically start a monitoring session on subsystem start
  • Specify which events to monitor and the directory to save logs
  • Specify the maximum log size and whether to stop monitoring or discard the oldest events when the limit is reached

Configure watchdog timer settings

  • Choose whether to enable the RTSS Watchdog timer to monitor and limit runaway threads
Configure exception support
  • Choose how the Subsystem handles a faulting process
  • Select how the Subsystem behaves when handling exceptions
Configure power management settings
  • Change how some power management features are handled. This may minimize the effects that Windows power management features have on RTX64.
Configure the search path
  • Configure a search path to allow RTX64 to look in specific directories when you attempt to load a RTSS application or RTDLL.

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